October 2021
“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” C.S. Lewis
American La Ronde presents a harsh, violent, unrelenting whirlpool that makes its characters’ desires insatiable because it is a world that was made for them but not meant for them. Watching the human cost of this dance forces the audience to confront their own participation in the loop society is stuck in.
These past few years have been filled with harshness, a global pandemic, severe weather, political unrest, and more. As directors, we want to confront this loop, and in an attempt to expose it, we are placing it on display. Now look at these characters stuck inside of it, watch them learn nothing.
Olivia McCain, Jessica Workman, Kyle Livingston
Co-designed by Lossiebeth Hudsbeth